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Gun Control Advocates Protest At Colorado Rep. Mike Coffman’s Office
There was a call for change in gun laws from Aurora to Washington on Monday. A group of gun control advocates protested at the district office of Republican Rep. Mike Coffman. They want Coffman to support universal…
February 11, 2013
Seattle: “Sustained Moral Outrage” — Hundreds march on Capitol Hill against gun violence
The procession between cathedrals featured songs — “We Shall Overcome,” “Amazing Grace” — heard a half-century ago as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led clergy and laity in marches against racial violence in the deep South.
February 11, 2013
Veronica I. Arreola asks … Can Moms Stop Gun Violence?
I joined One Million Moms For Gun Control because the goals are attainable milestones that will save lives, and because, frankly, it’s invigorating to do something that can positively affect a lot more kids than just my own.
February 11, 2013
American Moms to Reach Out to Congress Every Day Week of Feb. 18; Outreach to be Captured and Publicized Via Social Media (Indianapolis, IN) Feb. 11, 2013 — One Million Moms for Gun Control announced today a week-long campaign…
February 11, 2013
Gun Control Gathering Draws Crowd In Portland, Oregon
Click to listen to Oregon Public Broadcasting’s report by April Baer.CONTRIBUTED BY: APRIL BAER, OPB PORTLAND, OR — Gun control proponents gathered for a rally today in front…
February 10, 2013
Photo Essay At Portland, Oregon Rally by One Million Moms For Gun Control
One Million Moms for Gun Control held a rally to support common-sense gun laws at Portland City Hall on Sat., February 9, 2013. Portland Mayor Charlie Hales and state Sen. Ginny Burdick, D-Portland, spoke to about 100 people.
February 9, 2013
South Carolina Moms, Kids Send Valentines On Gun Control To Congress
We’re not politicians, we’re just a group of moms really working to protect our children. — Erin Dando, South Carolina Chapter, One Million Moms For Gun Control By: MELISSA KEENEY | WSPA-TV…
February 9, 2013
State Of The Union Hopes — On Guns, Mothers Have Had Enough
Mothers have had enough, and we will no longer stand by and let Congress turn its back on sensible gun laws. — Shannon Watts, Founder, One Million Moms For Gun Control By Shannon Watts,…
February 7, 2013
Both Sides of Gun Control Debate Dig in Heels During Hearings in St. Paul, Minnesota
Enough children have died. Assault weapons are used mainly on battlefields. Our schools should not be battlefields. — Jane Kay, Minneapolis Chapter, One Million Moms For Gun Control…
February 7, 2013
Tucson bans TCC gun shows without background checks
Since 1999, 1.7 million dollars of purchases have been rejected by people failing FFL background checks. Person to person sales do not require those. requiring checks takes away a second chance to someone who shouldn’t have a gun, to get…
February 7, 2013
We are doing this for the 3,000 American children killed by gun violence last year alone — for those 3,000 mourning mothers, each with a story of immeasurable loss, grief and pain. As moms, we all know that when it…
February 6, 2013
Tucson OKs requirement for background checks
Gun-control proponents Judy Aitken, center left, and Karen Clifton (hands in lap) react after the Tucson City Council voted to require background checks for gun sales on city-owned or city-managed property. PHOTO BY…
February 6, 2013
One Million Moms for Gun Control to converge on Albany for gun safety day
The One Million Moms For Gun Control held a rally at NYC City Hall, after marching across the Brooklyn Bridge, on Monday, January 21, 2013 in New York City. Demonstrators are calling for reforms on gun control laws such…
February 5, 2013
Obama: ‘It is time to do something’
Children join the hundreds who gather for the “One Million Moms For Gun Control” rally held at City Hall on Monday, January 21, 2013 in New York City. Demonstrators are calling for reforms on gun control laws…
February 5, 2013
AUDIO INTERVIEW – Parenting With Playdate Planet – Moms and Gun Violence
I just want my daughter to maintain her innocence and go to school happy and free and open to learn. — Kim Russell, National Director of Chapter Outreach, One Million Moms For Gun Control In…
February 5, 2013
After Newtown, a Missoula mom forms a Montana chapter of a national gun control group
Nancy de Pastino, 1MM4GC, Missoula ChapterNancy de Pastino was heartbroken when she heard about the Newtown shooting. The Missoula mom and portrait photographer first hugged her children, then went and Click to listen to radio…
February 4, 2013
From State to State, Varied Responses to the Issue of Gun Violence
Who can watch the sad images of the last several weeks, who can see the pictures of those young faces, and honestly say that we are doing enough? — Gov. Martin O’Malley of Maryland…
February 4, 2013
1MM4GC Event Archive
Rallies and Marches in Washington D.C., Austin, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Indianapolis, New Jersey, Rhode Island, San Francisco, Oregon and Vermont on Jan. 26 Newtown residents travel to Washington D.C. to march and demand action on common-sense gun control laws.
February 3, 2013
Capt. Kelly, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre show little common ground in possible gun control compromise
Watch the latest video at Two of the country’s most influential voices on gun control weighed in Sunday on the issue, but appeared no closer in reaching a compromise — even on the issue of universal background checks.
February 2, 2013
“Moms can make a difference” — From
“I am here because I am a mom.” Shannon Watts, Founder, One Million Moms For Gun Control addresses the crowd at the “March On Washington For Gun Control” on January 26, 2013. We have to confront the fact that guns,…
February 2, 2013
“This Is Officially A Movement” — Shannon Watts, Founder
I am not a politician. I am a mom from Indiana. I am an accidental activist. — Shannon Watts, Founder, One Million Moms For Gun Control [youtube] “I am not a politician.
February 1, 2013
The Debate Over Gun Control – KSEE24 News
I feel now is the time. I feel the actions we take will save lives. We feel these changes are moderate. We feel these changes are common sense and long overdue. — Christine Tachner, San Francisco…
February 1, 2013
One Million Moms For Gun Control’s Jennifer Fiore At Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing On Gun Control
WASHINGTON — Jennifer Fiore, One Million Moms For Gun Control member, was just one of the hundreds of people who packed the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing room Wednesday, January 30, 2013. The busy, working mom of three was hoping…
January 31, 2013
One Million Moms for Gun Control: In Illinois, the NRA’s Ambassadors Tried to Silence Us. We Won’t Let Them
It’s a shame that the NRA/IRA chose to engage in intimidation and boorish behavior instead of listening to the other side. I am hoping that the rational, responsible, and respectful membership of the NRA stands up and sets an example…
Did you know
Black Americans are nearly twice as likely as white Americans to die from COVID-19 and more than 10 times as likely to die from gun homicide.
Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, “Gun Violence and COVID-19 in 2020: A Year of Colliding Crises,” May 7, 2021,