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Moms Demand Action’s Shannon Watts on MSNBC
Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts discusses the state of common-sense gun legislation in the US on MSNBC. [responsive_youtube cJJhEK1UTI4]…
May 29, 2013
Moms Demand Action featured on MSNBC’s The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell
Moms Demand Action featured on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell, as New Republic’s Alec MacGillis discusses his article “This Is How the NRA Ends”. [responsive_youtube Tj-eHYGUWRs]…
May 28, 2013
This Is How the NRA Ends
Before the background-check vote, 240 women from 38 states flew to Washington on their own dimes to visit their senators’ offices. Their message, Fiore says, was that they were the “mainstream,” disgusted with the status quo. Watts met her senator,…
May 12, 2013
MSNBC Reports on Moms Demand Action Mother’s Day Events
This Mother’s Day Weekend, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America hosted events across the United States in honor of mothers and to support the Mother’s Bill of Rights. [responsive_youtube 0MAN-SgsO18]…
May 8, 2013
Keep Your Flowers on Mother’s Day, I Want My Rights
This Mother’s Day, eight American mothers will wake up having lost a child to gun violence the day before. Another eight mothers will go to bed having lost their children to gun violence on Mother’s Day.
May 1, 2013
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow features Moms Demand Action’s New Video “How many more rounds, part II?”…
April 29, 2013
Deja Vu – VIDEO: “How Many More Rounds Part II?”
[responsive_youtube JQWd-edKL4c] MOMS DEMAND ACTION FOR GUN SENSE IN AMERICA LAUNCHES NEW VIDEO AFTER SENATE FAILS TO ACT Moms Demand Action has launched another video to spur new action by the public after the Senate recently failed to pass common-sense…
April 28, 2013
Armed In America
Rights are not unlimited. The first amendment grants us the right to free speech, but that doesn’t mean you can threaten to bomb an airport or yell fire in a theatre or collect child pornography. By…
April 27, 2013
Heather Whaley, Mom, Prank Calls Senator Bob Corker To Advocate For Gun Control (VIDEO)
[responsive_youtube GmR-bN59Vu0] Frustrated after the Senate bill to expand gun background checks failed earlier this month, Heather Whaley has taken matters into her own hands. A member of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, she is practicing…
April 25, 2013
Scarborough Shreds Sen. For Caving To Minority In One Of ‘Saddest, Most Pathetic’ Votes ‘I’ve Ever Seen’
Visit for breaking news,…
April 21, 2013
Gun control supporters protest outside Sen. Jeff Flake’s Tucson office
(watch video content) by Samantha Ptashkin TUCSON- It was the shout heard ’round the Senate chamber. But January 8 shooting survivor Patricia Maisch says she wouldn’t take back her outburst after Wednesday’s vote…
April 21, 2013
Atlanta Residents Protest Senate Gun Amendment Vote
We see the NRA has a stronghold on you. We see that you seem to care more about you’re a rating with the NRA than the public safety of our children and our citizens. — Melinda Ennis, co-president…
April 17, 2013
For the mothers of America, this is not the end. It is just the beginning.
(Indianapolis, IN) Wed., April 17, 2013 – Nearly four months after the tragedy that took 20 first-graders’ lives in Connecticut, the mothers of America are sickened by our elected leaders’ inability to enact bipartisan, common-sense gun reforms supported by…
April 16, 2013
Another Voice: Objections to reasonable restrictions don’t hold up
By Amy Wallace, The Buffalo News – Opinion I have heard every argument in the gun control debate from gun rights activists, including the argument that criminals won’t follow new gun laws anyway, so why…
April 12, 2013
Oklahoma Moms Demand Gun Control Changes
OKLAHOMA CITY – The group, “Moms Demand Gun Sense in America,” showed up Thursday outside U.S. Senator Tom Coburn’s office hoping their concerns would be heard. They said some sort of gun control is needed not only here at…
April 11, 2013
At Pennsylvania Capitol, groups calling to close loophole in gun laws
By Jon Schmitz / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Pennsylvania Capitol domeHARRISBURG — Christine Licata, a mother of two who lives in Cumberland County, said she never paid much attention to politics and government, and would turn away from…
April 11, 2013
“How Many More Rounds?” Featured On MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show
[responsive_vimeo 63792241] Moms Demand Action has launched a campaign to drive support for new and stronger gun laws in America in the aftermath of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. The video, “How many more rounds?,” is…
April 10, 2013
NEW VIDEO: “How Many More Rounds?”
April 9, 2013
Indiana panel poised to drop school guns mandate
The Indiana House Education Committee approved legislation April 2 that would mandate the creation of a protection officer for each school. (Photo: Alan Petersime, The Indianapolis Star) We do not believe that more guns make us more safe. If…
April 7, 2013
Back From Recess, Congress Preps For Gun Legislation Fight
Congress comes back from a two-week spring break on Monday, April 8, 2013. by AILSA CHANG, NPR Click to listen to the story.The U.S. Senate was scheduled to begin voting on gun control…
April 5, 2013
MSNBC’s RACHEL MADDOW: No place for threats, intimidation in American political discourse
Visit for breaking news,…
April 4, 2013
At RI State House, ‘Moms’ call for stricter gun control, part of national action 3 months after Sandy Hook shootings
By Providence Journal / Philip Marcelo PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A group of Rhode Island mothers were gathering at the State House Thursday afternoon as part of a national call for stricter gun control measures. The newly-formed chapter of…
April 4, 2013
Group considers how gun control could affect domestic violence
Jay Plant, of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which hosted the nationwide events, said universal background checks would save women’s lives. Citing coalition statistics, he said that 38 percent fewer women are shot to death by intimate…
April 3, 2013
Inside the Beltway: Aiming at the NRA
While it is not surprising that an organization driven by profit would stop at nothing to boost the sales of the products it promotes, the NRA leadership’s suggestion that an armed guard be stationed in ‘every single school’ across America…
Did you know
Black Americans are nearly twice as likely as white Americans to die from COVID-19 and more than 10 times as likely to die from gun homicide.
Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, “Gun Violence and COVID-19 in 2020: A Year of Colliding Crises,” May 7, 2021,