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Clergy: Would Jesus pack heat? NRA: Do pastors pack any clout?
WWJD — How can it be that “pro-life” leaders in Congress, so passionate in defense of the unborn, be at the same time among the gun lobby’s most steadfast supporters? “The gun lobby is no match for the cross lobby.”…
December 31, 2012
A call for more sensible gun laws
We urge Delph and other elected officials to reconsider Indiana’s gun laws and take action to decrease the number of gun related homicides in Indiana. In reference to Sen. Mike Delph’s Dec. 26 letter: One Million Moms for Gun Control…
December 30, 2012
Gun critics need to learn from NRA success
The NRA rates how favorable officials and candidates are to its cause. There’s a lesson there for the other side. Give the highest rating of “4 Doves” to someone if you like their position on gun restrictions. Make guns an…
December 30, 2012
Kelly Cameron Addresses The Gun Divide In Columbus, Ohio
About the school shooting in Newtown, Ct., “This was the last straw for me. I can’t get those children’s faces out of my mind.” — Kelly Cameron, Columbus, Ohio Chapter COLUMBUS, Ohio — The place guns should have…
December 30, 2012
Noah Pozner’s Family Remembers and Mourns Youngest Child Lost in Newtown Rampage
Missing Noah: The slain boy’s mother has dreamt of searching an empty house calling out in vain for him. She told President Obama about the dream, and he told her Noah would answer her calls if she listened…
December 29, 2012
This Is What Teachers Learning to Shoot Guns Look Like – from The Atlantic Wire
The apparent post-Newtown craze for gun-rights activists to transform teachers into gun-class students has arrived despite the fact that no armed civilian has killed a mass shooter in the past three decades.
December 29, 2012
The Deadly Fantasy of Assault Weapons – The New York Times Editorial
“There is an allure to this weapon (the Bushmaster rifles) that makes it unusually attractive, The way it looks, the way it handles — it screams assault weapon. — Scott Knight, former chairman of the International Chiefs of Police Firearms…
December 29, 2012
A Tougher Assault Weapons Ban – The New York Times Editorial
New legislation proposed by Senator Dianne Feinstein in response to the Newtown, Conn., murders would provide a far more effective ban on military-style assault weapons…
December 28, 2012
New Paltz, New York Passes Resolution Supporting Action To Control Gun Violence
Click to download resolution in PDF format. The Town of New Paltz will seek laws that promote and enhance the safety of our children, and their right to grow up and live full and productive lives, free…
December 28, 2012
Hartford Courant Editorial: Ban On Studying Gun Violence Should Be Lifted
CDC Muzzled: Unbiased research on gun violence could save lives 5:47 p.m. EST, December 27, 2012 In 1997, a craven Congress, doing the bidding of the pro-gun lobby, withdrew funding used for gun-violence research by federal agencies such as the…
December 27, 2012
Massacre mobilizes moms
I think I was afraid of the vitriol that I might face or my children might face, she said, but now I don’t feel I can affort to be quiet. —Dawn Emsellem Click on photo to read…
December 25, 2012
Gunman Who Ambushed Firefighters Left Chilling Note
I still have to get ready to see how much of the neighborhood I can burn down, and do what I like doing best — killing people. — William Spengler who shot four, killed two firefighters Before setting his house…
December 25, 2012
How Many People Have Been Killed by Guns Since The Newtown School Shooting on Dec. 14, 2012?
GUN DEATHS SINCE NEWTOWN = 2422 (Initial map shows closest 250 Gun Deaths to Atlanta, GA) There is no federal-level database that tracks gun deaths. The numbers here (a project of…
December 25, 2012
Group of moms call for new gun laws – Triangle Chapter – Raleigh, N.C.
“I’m a mother of two small children, and I want to be able to send them to school without being afraid,” Katherine Worden said. She’s the leader of the Triangle’s chapter of a group called “One Million Moms for Gun…
December 24, 2012
4 firefighters shot, 2 dead in upstate N.Y. on Christmas Eve
WEBSTER, N.Y. | An ex-con set a car and a house ablaze in his lakeside neighborhood to lure firefighters, then opened fire on them, killing two, engaging in a shootout with police and committing suicide while several houses burned. Authorities…
December 24, 2012
“80 Million moms aren’t going to let the NRA drive the discussion” – Shannon Watts
80 Million moms aren’t going to let the NRA drive the discussion on this… We are not going to stop this time until there are common sense gun control laws put in place at the federal and state levels. —…
December 24, 2012
Moms lobby for gun control – Shannon Watts Speaks With Alex Witt
Why are we asking someone who profits from the proliferation of guns and ammunition to give us advice on how we can be better protected from guns. It’s just not common senses … We’ve got to have some common sense…
December 24, 2012
Newtown, Connecticut residents petition for assault weapons ban
By CASEY MCNERTHNEY, ©2012 HEARST NEWSPAPERS ©2012 Casey McNerthney/Hearst NewspapersNEWTOWN, CT – Residents in the Connecticut community where 20 children and six staff members were shot to death have started a petition to ban assault weapons. The proposed…
December 24, 2012
In Memory Submission Form
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December 23, 2012
Gun violence victim Kim Russell: ‘Deeply disappointed’ by NRA
Gun violence victim Kim Russell explains why she disagrees with the NRA’s reaction to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings.
December 23, 2012
Indiana mom takes on NRA and gun control debate
The National Rifle Association held a press conference Friday, exactly one week after the school tragedy in Newtown. They offered to place armed guards at schools to protect teachers and administrators. Critics argue that doesn’t really address the issue of…
December 21, 2012
Gun-control advocates blast NRA statement
One activist warns of a tsunami of angry moms By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY Gun-control advocates reacted with incredulity at the statements by Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of…
December 21, 2012
NRA Calls for Armed Officers in Schools
By GARY FIELDS And COLLEEN MCCAIN NELSON, The Wall Street Journal WASHINGTON—The nation’s most powerful gun-rights lobby called Friday for armed security guards in schools, saying that children had been left vulnerable in their classrooms.
December 21, 2012
MUST READ: A conservative case for an assault weapons ban
BY LARRY ALAN BURNS December 20, 2012 Last month, I sentenced Jared Lee Loughner to seven consecutive life terms plus 140 years in federal prison for his shooting rampage in Tucson. That tragedy left six people dead, more…
Did you know
Black Americans are nearly twice as likely as white Americans to die from COVID-19 and more than 10 times as likely to die from gun homicide.
Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, “Gun Violence and COVID-19 in 2020: A Year of Colliding Crises,” May 7, 2021,