Boebert’s Opponent, Diane Mitsch Bush, is a Gun Sense Candidate who has Promised to Act on Gun Safety
The Republican congressional candidate for Colorado’s 3rd district, Lauren Boebert, may have violated Colorado law by allowing an under-age server at her restaurant to carry a handgun. According to the Colorado Times Recorder, Boebert, who beat out incumbent Congressman Scott Tipton in the Republican primary last month, “told a juvenile server to pack heat at her diner,” in apparent violation of state law. If Boebert gave the juvenile server a handgun, it would likely constitute a violation of both state and federal laws.
The Colorado Times Recorder notes that “Colorado law bans juveniles from possessing a handgun, and exceptions do not allow gun-carrying as part of a job serving ‘Ballistic Chicken’ and ‘Smoking Gun’ brisket, as featured on the menu.” The article adds that “whether Boebert gave her server the gun or not, she’d face a class 4 felony–either for ‘unlawfully providing a handgun to a juvenile’ or for ‘permitting a juvenile to possess a handgun.’”
“This is not how responsible gun owners behave and not who we want to represent us in Congress,” said Robin Halloran, a volunteer with the Colorado chapter of Moms Demand Action and resident of Colorado’s 3rd Congressional district. “This is exactly why we are working so hard from today until November to elect gun sense candidates like Diane Mitsch Bush.”
The majority of voters in Colorado support stronger gun laws but Boebert opposes common-sense gun measures. Her opponent, Diane Mitsch Bush, on the other hand, is a gun sense candidate who has pledged to act on gun violence and fight for common-sense gun safety legislation in Congress.
Nearly 800 people are shot and killed every year in Colorado. Information about gun violence in Colorado is available here.
According to Reports, Colorado Congressional Candidate Lauren Boebert May Have Broken the Law by Allowing a Juvenile to Carry a Handgun at Her Diner
July 23, 2020
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