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Survivor Stories

Moments That Survive

A memory wall for victims and survivors to share how gun violence has impacted their lives.

North Carolina Moms Demand Action chapter co-lead Marquita Wisley on the importance of elevating survivors and trailblazers this Black History Month.

You Can’t Go Through the Type of Year My Family Did Without It Changing You

Survivor Stories, Volunteer Stories
Two Moms Demand Action volunteers in red hooded sweatshirts stand with their backs to the camera as they stand at a Day of the Dead and gun violence prevention event. An ofrenda with string lights is visible in the background.

This Day of the Dead, We Remember Those Taken by Gun Violence

Survivor Stories, Volunteer Stories
Six people pose for a photo inside of a bowling alley. Two are wearing Moms Demand Action shirts. They all are gathered around a white sign that reads

The Toledo Group Working to “Bowl Over Gun Violence”

Survivor Stories, Volunteer Stories
Mother and daughter

On Mother’s Day, We Honor the Mothers Impacted By Gun Violence

Survivor Stories

Meet Julianne Moore’s #WCWs: 12 of the Women Who Power the Movement

Survivor Stories, Volunteer Stories
Deanna McKinney

Supporting Grieving Families in Memory of Obi Henderson

Survivor Stories, Volunteer Stories

We Can Repair the Despair, Build Bridges, and Learn From Each Other

Survivor Stories, Volunteer Stories

The Best Way to Make a Difference Is to Work Together and Stay Connected

Survivor Stories, Volunteer Stories

“We Are Losing Our Babies Every Day”

Survivor Stories, Volunteer Stories
“This Mother’s Day I don’t want prayers. I don’t want sentiments. I don’t want cards, and I don’t want flowers. I want action.”

This Mother’s Day: Move with Action

Survivor Stories
Kathy Elaine McKnight selfie

Kathy Elaine McKnight: We Aren’t Taking No For an Answer

Survivor Stories, Volunteer Stories

Donnitta Marie Sinclair: Growing, Rebuilding, Restoring, and Healing our Community

Survivor Stories, Volunteer Stories
Marie Delus wears a Moms Demand Action shirt while speaking at the podium at an event

Marie G. Delus: ‘History will remember us Moms, our legacies are being written’

Survivor Stories, Volunteer Stories
Moms Demand Action volunteer Melody McFadden speaks at the podium at a Don't Look Away rally in Washington, DC in 2022

Melody Geddis McFadden: Helping survivors of gun violence smile again

Survivor Stories, Volunteer Stories
Florida Mom

Florida Mom Still Putting Pieces Together after Daughter’s Suicide

Survivor Stories
As a minister, I have officiated the funerals of too many black men in our community, and the crime is on humanity.

My son served our country in Afghanistan, but his brother died by gun violence here at home.

Survivor Stories
Monique and her son, Jayden.

My Baby Made the Ultimate Sacrifice to Save Her Baby’s Life

Survivor Stories
Bob and Veronika

Using My Voice to Make a Change

Survivor Stories
Jessica Ghawi

Sandy Phillips Fights for Stronger, Smarter Gun Laws in the Aftermath of the Murder of her Daughter in the Aurora Mass Shooting

Survivor Stories
FOX Christina Taylor Green

A Conversation with Roxanna Green

Survivor Stories
Rob Taylor

13-Year-Old Shot in Face by Friend; Mother Grieves His Loss, and the Lack of Charges in Case

Survivor Stories
Missy standing

Missy Jenkins Smith

Survivor Stories

A Mom Demanding Action

Survivor Stories

Did you know

58 percent of American adults report that they or someone they care for has experienced gun violence in their lifetime.

SurveyUSA. "Market Research Study". SurveyUSA. (2018).

Florida advocacy day 2019-123
The back profile of a Moms Demand Action volunteer wearing a red Moms Demand Action t-shirt
Hawaiʻi State Senator Chris Lee (left), Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke (middle), and Hawaiʻi State Representative Scot Matayoshi (right) at the Hawaiʻi State Capitol in Honolulu, HI on Feb. 8, 2023.
Advocacy Day Ohio
Advocacy Day Florida
Rudy Espinoza, the emceee and a volunteer with the Calif. chapter of Moms Demand Action, speaks during the 10th anniversary event of Moms Demand Action in Sacramento, Calif. on Sunday, March 12, 2023. Photo by Rahul Lal, Everytown for Gun Safety
Moms Demand Action volunteers pose for a photo
Advocacy Day MN