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Veronica I. Arreola asks … Can Moms Stop Gun Violence?

February 11, 2013

I joined One Million Moms For Gun Control because the goals are attainable milestones that will save lives, and because, frankly, it’s invigorating to do something that can positively affect a lot more kids than just my own.

— Christine Fenno, Chicago Chapter,
One Million Moms For Gun Control

Hadiya-Pendleton-2The murder of Hadiya Pendleton has shocked the nation and she was the lone victim on the Southside of Chicago. Is it because she peformed in the Inaugural parade?

By Veronica I. Arreola

I am tired of advocating for things based on the fact that I am raising a child.

Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate Mothers Against Drunk Driving and MomsRising. I have some great friends who work at MomsRising. I even signed their immigration reform petition tonight. But I have grown tired of feeling like I need to pull out my mom card in an effort to be taken seriously for voicing an opinion.

But a funny thing happened at the Congressional hearings on gun violence. A sweet looking woman in a navy suit sat down and told Senator Grassley that women need access to “scary-looking guns” in order to have the courage to defend herself from a home invasion involving 3-4 people. Oh and that AR-15′s are essential to women being able to defend themselves because they’re light and easy to hold.

OK, we’re going to play that game, are we? Hang on while I go grab my mom card…

I’m back.

Read the entire story at

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