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Texas Rep. Dan Flynn’s Bill Wants To Reduce Handgun Proficiency Training Hours

January 16, 2013

We want our children to be safe. Data shows that we can implement reasonable gun legislation while not undermining people’s right to self-defense and to hunt.

— Jane, member of One Million Moms For Gun Control

Flynn wants to reduce gun safety, gun storage and dispute resolution Ten Hours To Four Hours

by: Edel Howlin

REP. FLYNN: Reduce training hours so "they don’t have to use a whole Saturday."

REP. FLYNN: Reduce training hours so “they don’t have to use a whole Saturday.”

Gun legislation has been a major political talking point in the wake of the shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. In this Texas legislative session House Bill 47 has been filed. It relates to reducing the number of concealed handgun license training hours.

“It allows more people to have the opportunity to come and take it. They don’t have to take a day off of work to come and take a class. They don’t have to use a whole Saturday. The proof is whether or not you pass the test.”

Jane, from the Houston Chapter of One Million Moms For Gun Control says, “Well it makes no sense to me. People that carry concealed handguns we want those folks to be really well trained. If you are defending yourself, you want to be really well trained. You wanna know how to use that weapon.”

Read the entire story, or listen to the interview at

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