Under Tennessee law, it is legal for handgun carry permit holders to openly carry loaded handguns in public places. However, as the owner or manager of private property, you always have the right to keep guns out of your private business.
While you have this right, a new TN law recently went into effect that requires private businesses who choose to prohibit firearms from their property to post signs that conform to very specific requirements. If you post the required signage in a visible place at each primary entrance to your property, it will be illegal for people to bring firearms onto the property. Previously, the law did not require business owner’s signs to conform to a specific format.
Under the new law, the required sign must:
- Be plainly visible and posted at all primary entrances;
- The sign must contain the phrase “No Firearms Allowed” and the phrase must be 1” tall by 8” wide;
- The sign must also say “As authorized by T.C.A. § 39-17-1359”;
- The sign must also include a pictorial representation indicating that no firearms are allowed. This depiction must:
- Include a circle with a diagonal line through the circle and an image of a firearm inside the circle under the diagonal line. The line must be at a 45-degree angle from the upper left to lower right side of the circle;
- Be at least 4” high by 4” wide.
If you currently have signs that were posted before January 1, 2015, your signs are still valid and you have until January 1, 2018 to update your signs in order to be compliant. Otherwise, in order to legally prohibit firearms from your property, you must update your signs now. A sign that meets these requirements is available HERE.
If a person carries firearms on your property despite the posting of the sign described above, you should call local law enforcement.