On the very same day Donald Trump suggested that the “Second Amendment people” take care of Hillary, forcing the Secret Service to respond to his threat, the NRA released an ad branding Hillary Clinton as a “hypocrite” who would leave Americans “defenseless.”
The only hypocrisy on display this week is that of the NRA and the gun lobby.
This is not your grandfather’s NRA that focused on hunting and sporting – this is a craven lobby of gun manufacturers that consistently puts profits over public safety.
While 74 percent of NRA members continue to show strong support for common- sense steps like a criminal background check on every gun sale, gun lobby leaders walk in lockstep with a violence-inciting candidate who makes light of the gun violence that kills 91 Americans every day.
Americans will not be intimidated by fear mongering that is intended to sell more guns.
Americans – particularly responsible gun owners – know that the gun lobby’s twisted take on the Second Amendment does not represent us. They know that the Second Amendment should never be used to issue a threat or incite violence – especially towards a presidential candidate.
This election will prove that 2016 is the year of gun sense.
As the gun lobby continues on its alarming campaign of hate and fear, led by Donald Trump, more Americans – no matter their political party – will continue to turn to and support gun sense champions like Hillary Clinton.
It is time to drop the hypocrisy and have a meaningful conversation about gun violence and how to save American lives.