Today, the St. Louis Post Dispatch reported Sen. Brown’s chief of staff dropped a “9 mm Ruger pistol loaded with five rounds” during a fight at a Jefferson City bar last Thursday.
Lawmakers heard testimony just a day before on HB 258, dangerous legislation that would allow people to carry hidden, loaded handguns in some of Missouri’s most sensitive areas — including bars. Senator Brown sits on the Transportation, Infrastructure, and Public Safety committee, where SB 121, similar legislation to allow concealed handguns into sensitive places, was heard two weeks ago.
Missourians overwhelmingly oppose this “guns everywhere” legislation, including the mayor of St. Louis. At last week’s hearing for HB 258, law enforcement, business leaders and community members all urged lawmakers to reject the bill. And over the weekend, the Jefferson City News Tribune editorialized against the legislation.
In particular, support for allowing guns to be carried in bars is low, especially considering alcohol’s association with increased aggression. Prior research shows that ninety-three percent of Americans think people should not be allowed to bring guns into bars.
If you’re interested in learning more about this dangerous legislation or would like to talk with a volunteer with Mom Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, don’t hesitate to reach out.