Today, The Columbus Dispatch came out against legislation introduced Friday that would dismantle Ohio’s law requiring a permit to carry a concealed handgun in public.
As the editorial board emphasized:
“If House Bill 174 passes, any pretense of caution will be gone. Anyone who isn’t a convicted felon or otherwise prohibited will be free to hide and carry any legal gun, whether or not he has any idea how it works and what it can do.”
Permitless carry would lower the bar for who may carry hidden handguns in Ohio. HB 174 would allow people to carry a loaded handgun in public without getting a permit, passing a background check or completing gun safety training. What’s more, research has shown that states that have passed permitless carry have seen an increase in gun violence.
Additionally, the Fraternal Order of Police and other law enforcement officials have come out against dismantling the permit requirement. They’re joined by a bipartisan group of lawmakers, including Rep. Anthony DeVitis and Rep. Casey Weinstein, who have also publicly opposed the legislation. Last year, lawmakers stripped similar language to end the permit requirement from legislation that Gov. Kasich ultimately vetoed.
If you are interested in learning more about how permitless carry would threaten public safety in Ohio or speaking to a volunteer with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, please don’t hesitate to reach out.