I think that people who are on the side of gun-violence prevention aren’t going to allow themselves to be bullied anymore, they’ve found the bravery to stand up to the other side.
— Mandi Perlmutter, New Jersey Chapter, 1MM4GC
Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy, will help host a rally against gun violence in Lincoln Park next weekend.
©2013 By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal

Mayor Jerramiah Healy has long been a vocal advocate for stricter gun-control laws.
Mandi Perlmutter, who helps run One Million Moms for Gun Control’s New Jersey chapter, said the nationwide group wants to “bring some common sense” to the discussion over gun violence.
“The goal was to do for gun control and gun violence what MADD did for drunk driving,” Perlmutter said, referring to advocacy group Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
Next Saturday’s rally in Jersey City will coincide with others set for Washington, D.C., Boston and elsewhere. The rally is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 26 at 11 a.m. at Lincoln Park, West Side and Belmont avenues in Jersey City.
Read the entire story at nj.com