SANTA FE, N.M — The New Mexico chapters of Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action, both part of Everytown for Gun Safety’s grassroots network, issued the following statement as lawmakers gavel-in the 2025 legislative session. During the 2024 Budget Session, legislators advanced various gun safety measures before the 30-day clock ran out. Now, lawmakers have the opportunity to continue building on their progress and make New Mexico a leader in the fight against gun violence.
“It’s time to finish the job and ban assault weapons, once and for all,” said Renee Upston, a volunteer with the New Mexico chapter of Moms Demand Action. “Communities across New Mexico already know far too well the pain that assault weapons leave behind after each bullet is fired. We look forward to working with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to take action before the next tragedy strikes. Together, we’ll work on behalf of New Mexico families and protect our communities from senseless acts of gun violence.”
“My generation is known as the mass shooting generation because people can purchase these weapons of war,” said Wesley Clum, a volunteer leader with the Bosque High School Students Demand Action chapter. “I get that solving gun violence can be a complex issue, but banning guns that cause mass destruction is one of the simplest steps we can take to prevent people from being slaughtered. A ban on assault weapons in New Mexico is long overdue, period.”
Last session, New Mexico became the first state in the nation to advance this novel legislation, modeled after Senator Heinrich’s federal bill, which prohibits the sale, transfer, and receipt of gas-operated semi automatic firearms that work with large-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. This includes weapons commonly used in mass tragedies, and military-style rifles that, especially when paired with large-capacity magazines, allow mass shooters to unleash destructive, rapid-fire barrages on unsuspecting victims in seconds.
As we await further legislative action on gun violence prevention bills, Moms Demand Action and Student Demand Action Volunteers will continue to advocate for common sense gun safety measures and hold the gun industry accountable for their role in the gun violence crisis every step of the way.
The rate of gun deaths has increased 59% from 2014 to 2023 in New Mexico, compared to a 34% increase nationwide. In an average year, 526 people die by guns. With a rate of 25.2 deaths per 100,000 people, New Mexico has the 3rd-highest rate of gun deaths in the US. New Mexico also has the highest Latinx gun death rate in the country. More information about gun violence in New Mexico is available here.