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February 12, 2014

New Analysis Breaks Down 44 School Shootings Since Sandy Hook Tragedy; Moms Ask Congress to Heal Their Broken Hearts and Urge Action on Safer Gun Laws

Analysis from Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns Unveils Several Themes to School Shootings: Today, Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns released an analysis of school shootings in America since…
February 11, 2014

South Carolina Chapter of Moms Demand Action Denounces S308, Supports Businesses in Prohibiting Firearms

Gov. Haley to Sign S308 Allowing Guns in Bars and Restaurants Serving Alcohol Today Today, Governor Nikki Haley will sign into law Senate Bill 308 allowing loaded, concealed guns in all South Carolina establishments that serve alcohol including bars,…
February 8, 2014

Members of Oregon Chapter of Moms Demand Action Testify in Support of Senate Bill 1551

Moms Travel to Salem to Press for Expanded Background Checks on All Oregon Gun Sales On Thurs., Feb. 6, members of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America will participate in the Oregon Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Senate…
February 7, 2014

Moms Demand Action Releases Its Take on Facebook Anniversary Videos With a “Closer Look” at Gun Sales on the Social Network

On the heels of Facebook’s 10th anniversary and the “look back” videos that have dominated newsfeeds this week, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America today released its own riff on the videos to take a “closer look”…
February 6, 2014

Statement by Moms Demand Action Founder Shannon Watts on Defeat of the Paul Amendment to Allow Loaded Guns in Post Offices

We are pleased the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs rejected an NRA-backed measure today that would have allowed concealed, loaded guns to be carried in post offices. Moms from across the country came out in full…
February 6, 2014

Statement by Moms Demand Action Founder, Shannon Watts, on Wendy Davis’s Open Carry Announcement

Earlier today, Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis announced that she supports new laws that would allow Texans to openly carry loaded firearms in public. Davis’s position is disappointing and dangerous given that there is no federal or state requirement…
February 5, 2014

Are People Selling Guns On Facebook?

By Mike Hayes, BuzzFeed Facebook says no. At least one large gun-community page suggests otherwise. “S&W 500! Paid 1200, 25 rounds spent! I’m in Texas and newmexico. Looking to trade for a nice AK or…
February 3, 2014

Statement from Shannon Watts, Founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, as Trial Begins Against the Killer of Jordan Davis

The trial of Michael Dunn, who shot and killed Jordan Davis in November 2012 in a dispute over loud music at a Jacksonville, Fla., gas station, began today. Dunn is expected to invoke Florida’s Stand Your Ground law in…
February 3, 2014

Moms Demand Action Objects to Proposed Amendment to Remove Federal Ban on Guns in Post Offices

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America vehemently objects to any attempt to amend existing federal law and lift the ban on guns in post offices, as proposed by Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky. Sen. Paul’s amendment to…
February 1, 2014

I-55 Gun Billboard: As American as Apple Pie?

By Meredith Rodriguez, Chicago Tribune What’s as American as apple pie and baseball? Rifles, according to a new billboard beside a busy Chicago freeway. The sign on outbound I-55 near Central Avenue features photos of…
January 29, 2014

Members of Missouri Chapter of Moms Demand Action Testify Against Senate Bill 613

Group Calls Bill “Most Extreme Being Debated in the U.S. Today” Yesterday, members of the Missouri chapter of Moms Demand Action testified against SB613, or the Second Amendment Preservation Act—a controversial gun bill designed to loosen gun restrictions and…
January 29, 2014

Moms Demand Action Founder Shannon Watts Responds to Facebook’s Excuses for Facilitating Gun Sales Online

Earlier this week, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America launched a campaign asking Facebook and Instagram to immediately enact a policy prohibiting all sales and trades of firearms on their platforms. These social…
January 28, 2014

Moms Demand Action Demands That Facebook, Instagram Ban Firearms Posts

By Dan Friedman, New York Daily News Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America wants Facebook, which owns Instagram, to ‘immediately enact a policy prohibiting all sales and trades of firearms on their platforms.’ Group…
January 27, 2014

Moms Demand Action Launches Campaign Asking Facebook and Instagram to Prohibit Gun Sales and Trades

Facebook and Instagram Facilitate an Unregulated Online Marketplace that Make it Easy for Criminals to Get Guns Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America launched a campaign today asking Facebook and Instagram to immediately enact a policy prohibiting…
January 27, 2014

Maryland Members of Moms Demand Action Renew Call for Change in Light of Deadly Shooting at Columbia Mall

Tragedy Highlights Need for Continued Action to Reduce Gun Violence In response to the shooting yesterday at Columbia Mall in Howard County, Maryland, that left three people dead including the shooter, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America…
January 21, 2014

Moms Demand Action Statement on Travis County Commissioners Second Rejection of SAXET Gun Shows Contract Without Background Checks for All Firearms Sales at Gun Shows at Travis County Expo Center

Lease of County Facility to Gun Show Promoter will Expire Due to SAXET’s Refusal to Require Background Checks on all Gun Sales at its Gun Shows Statement from Hilary Rand, Texas regional manager of Moms Demand Action: The Texas…
January 21, 2014

Statement from Moms Demand Action Regional Manager Who Was in Lockdown During Shooting at Purdue University Today, the 35th School Shooting Since Newtown

Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action Release List of School Shootings and Updated Ad Featuring School Shooting Scenario: In response to a school shooting today at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana,…
January 21, 2014

Virginia Chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America out in Force for Record-Setting Gun Reform Advocacy Day

On the holiday commemorating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Virginians, including nearly 200 members of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, rallied and met with legislators to ask for new and stronger gun laws.
January 20, 2014

Texas Chapter of Moms Demand Action Calls on Travis County Commissioners to Stand Strong on Background Checks for All Firearms Sales at Saxet Gun Shows

The Texas chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America will attend another hearing on Tuesday, Jan. 21, to urge Travis County commissioners to once again insist on background checks for all gun purchases at gun shows…
January 15, 2014

Supreme Court Must Protect Victims of Domestic Violence

By Linda McFadyen-Ketchum via The Huffington Post American women are 11 times more likely to be murdered with guns than women in other high-income countries, and an average of 46 American women are shot to…
January 14, 2014

Statement from Moms Demand Action Founder Shannon Watts on School Shooting in Roswell, New Mexico

In response to a school shooting today in Roswell, New Mexico, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense for America released the following statement from its founder Shannon Watts: “We are shaken and saddened by the news out of Roswell,…
January 9, 2014

Texas Chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Reacts to Open Carry of Assault Rifle Inside Texas Shopping Mall

The Texas chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is encouraged by local authority’s response to a recent open carry incident inside Parkdale Mall on December 28, 2013, where there exists a no guns policy. Derek…
January 9, 2014

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Statement on the Retirement of Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy

As she announces her retirement, the Greater NYC chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America would like to heartily thank Rep. Carolyn McCarthy for her tireless leadership for gun reform in America. “Representative McCarthy is…
January 8, 2014

Moms Demand Action Kentucky Chapter Calls for the Resignation of Representative Leslie Combs After Her Gun Discharged Inside the State Capitol Annex

The Kentucky chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is calling for the resignation of Kentucky State Representative Leslie Combs (KY-94) after discharging a semi-automatic handgun in the Kentucky State Capitol Annex on Tuesday evening. Our…

Did you know

Black Americans are nearly twice as likely as white Americans to die from COVID-19 and more than 10 times as likely to die from gun homicide.

Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, “Gun Violence and COVID-19 in 2020: A Year of Colliding Crises,” May 7, 2021,

Florida advocacy day 2019-123
The back profile of a Moms Demand Action volunteer wearing a red Moms Demand Action t-shirt
Hawaiʻi State Senator Chris Lee (left), Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke (middle), and Hawaiʻi State Representative Scot Matayoshi (right) at the Hawaiʻi State Capitol in Honolulu, HI on Feb. 8, 2023.
Advocacy Day Ohio
Advocacy Day Florida
Rudy Espinoza, the emceee and a volunteer with the Calif. chapter of Moms Demand Action, speaks during the 10th anniversary event of Moms Demand Action in Sacramento, Calif. on Sunday, March 12, 2023. Photo by Rahul Lal, Everytown for Gun Safety
Moms Demand Action volunteers pose for a photo
Advocacy Day MN