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On August 3, 2019, thousands of volunteers and gun violence survivors were gathered at our annual Gun Sense University conference. When news of the El Paso shooting came in, survivor Brenda Moss addressed the crowd with a moving speech. Brenda is a fierce advocate for gun safety, fighting so others won’t have to feel this same pain she experienced with her son’s death.
Read more about Brenda through her tribute to her son Shawn on Moments That Survive:
I felt as if a glass had been knocked over, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get up the spill. I’ll never be able to replace the glass. Nor do I want to. My son taught me what it really means to forgive and live life. Am I mad that he’s gone? No. I am mad at the way he went because I will always love my boy. I will always give him a voice. With tears running down my face, or encouraging someone else. Fighting so others won’t have to go through a spill like this.
Brenda Moss in her Moments that Survive tribute in honor of her son Shawn.