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Moms Demand Action has a chapter in every state and within those chapters, hundreds of local groups. If you don’t live near a group, there are plenty of other ways to participate from home. It’s also possible that you could start your own group within an existing state chapter. You can follow your chapter’s Facebook page to see what they’re up to and send a message there to engage in further action. You can also click on “Learn” to see the latest news, priorities, and gun violence statistics in your state.

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Our Victories

Brush strokes
Florida advocacy day 2019-123
The back profile of a Moms Demand Action volunteer wearing a red Moms Demand Action t-shirt
Hawaiʻi State Senator Chris Lee (left), Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke (middle), and Hawaiʻi State Representative Scot Matayoshi (right) at the Hawaiʻi State Capitol in Honolulu, HI on Feb. 8, 2023.
Advocacy Day Ohio
Advocacy Day Florida
Rudy Espinoza, the emceee and a volunteer with the Calif. chapter of Moms Demand Action, speaks during the 10th anniversary event of Moms Demand Action in Sacramento, Calif. on Sunday, March 12, 2023. Photo by Rahul Lal, Everytown for Gun Safety
Moms Demand Action volunteers pose for a photo
Advocacy Day MN